Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Tools

When you get angry, it will often cause you to make already bad decisions that much worse simply because of the way you view them in your mind.This often leads to one or more types of negative, limiting thoughts that make it less likely that you will be willing to come to any type of compromise.As such, the next time you are angry, try stopping for a moment and reframing the situation in a more moderate way.This won’t always lead to a tenable solution, simply considering it should be enough to cause your mind to stop being angry and start being productive.If you can’t get yourself out of that angry mindset, silly humor might be able to get you there.For example, if you find yourself getting angry during rush hour traffic, instead of referring to the other drivers by unflattering, derogatory statements, find a silly image and refer to the other drivers by that description instead.If you can make yourself laugh every time you say it, you likely won’t remain angry for long.Just like with anxiety, look for the factual data and analytics of a situation to put some logic into your thoughts.When we can look at the factual data that can be numerically measured, it can be harder to have depressive thoughts about our situation.It is not about just being grateful for what you have, but instead looking at the positive things in your life rather than only putting an emphasis on the negative.Always ask yourself realistic questions and test the evidence that you have for a particular prediction.This isn’t going to make you feel better right at that moment.If you start this combative of automatic thoughts right now, it will get better each and every day.You have to be patient and willing to put that time in.Both the automatic thoughts and the restructured thoughts can have the same basic meaning at the core, but the restructured ones are more positive and encouraging.There is almost always a positive twist to even the most terrible of situations, and it is up to you to find it.Write down your most common automatic thoughts.In the second column, find a way to restructure that thinking, or put a positive twist on the scenario.When you let those thoughts pop in, remember that they are automatic responses.Create new automatic responses, but this time positive ones.Now that you have some Cognitive Behavioral Therapy tools, you have to look at yourself as a warrior fighting against the cognitive distortions.You are holding a shield, and you have to fight off all the distortions your mind is throwing at you.Sometimes, they might still slip pass, but it is up to you to keep them from destroying you.It might seem impossible, but you should always combat your negative thoughts as they come toward you.Humans are obsessed with labels.Not just ones that come from a label maker, but more general ones, like good/bad, fat/skinny, ugly/pretty, useful/useless, smart/stupid.We like to put things into one category, especially if you are someone with depressive tendencies and polarized thinking.A good rule of thumb is to never say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to a small child.Picture someone you love more than anyone, maybe a spouse, a best friend, or your own child.Would you call them ugly, stupid, or worthless?Sometimes, when a person states something related to our insecurities, it can be a form of validation, good or bad.If you think you are not intelligent and someone makes a small joke about your level of smartness, it can cut pretty deep, even though it wasn’t meant to be hurtful at all.This is because it is an unspoken validation from the other person that our deepest and darkest thoughts are right, even though that wasn’t the other person’s intention.Remember that small instances are just that.Though they might have become defining moments, they don’t have to anymore.Most of the time, if you ask a person about certain small instances that stick with you, they end up not even remembering that they said that in the first place!Once you identify the reason something is there, it takes away the meaning.Think of it as a magic trick.Someone that can make a person disappear seems incredible!Then you realize they are able to do this because of smoke and mirror tricks.When you discover the magician’s methods, the magic isn’t there anymore.When you remember why it is that you might be so insecure and investigate an issue back to the root, you can already alleviate the negative impact that it has had on you.Expressing your feelings is an incredibly effective way to overcome your mental illnesses.Holding things in can be like a plastic bag or even a boat.If you put too much in, it is going to sink or break.The same can be said with your mind.If you are not properly expressing your feelings in a healthy way, then it is going to take a toll on your mental and physical health.Everyone’s mind is different, and that means their journal should be as well.What you decide to put in your journal is up to you.It is something you can go back and look at to see different information that will help you continue in your recovery.There shouldn’t be any rules for journaling, but there are a few guidelines you should have.You should write in it every single day.If you miss a day, then you might miss another, and before you know it, your journal is sitting empty on a shelf.You don’t have to spend hours on it a day.Some people aren’t creative or have trouble expressing their emotions, and that’s completely fine.They might not be able to write full entries.Relax your body more and give it enough time to rest.

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